PPP Online Risk Management Course
Welcome To The PPP Online Risk Management Course
This series is broken down into 8 short modules. To obtain the risk management professional liability premium discount and full CE Credits, all 8 modules are to be completed in their entirety.
Please review these instructions prior to and during your completion of the course as they contain critical information to assist you in obtaining your certificate.
Helpful Tips:
– Webinars can be completed in any order.
– Please note the completion time for each module so you may plan accordingly. You may pause the module at any time if you need to step away.
– You will need to provide your PPP policy number.
– Upon registering, the webinar will begin immediately. If you are not ready to complete the webinar at the time of registration, you will receive an email containing a link for you to access the webinar at your convenience.
Links to Online Course Modules:
Oral Cancer Module #1
Cultivating the Positive Patient Experience Module #2
Patient Discharge, Refunds, and Informed Refusal Module #3
Lidocaine Toxicity Module #4
3rd Molar Extraction Module #5
Documentation and Consent to Treat Module #6
Malpractice vs. Negligence Module #7
Foreign Body Injury Module #8
IMPORTANT: The Certificate of Completion is provided in the attachments section of each module. When you are completing your last module, please download the certificate BEFORE the PowerPoint presentation concludes. Please submit your completed certificate to [email protected]